Sandycove Acres

Establishment and health at 908 Lockhart Road, Innisfil, ON L9S 3G7, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Sandycove Acres: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Establishment   Health  

908 Lockhart Road
Ontario L9S 3G7
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+1 705-436-1571



5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Sandycove Acres

    Glenda Holden Added 2017-09-03
    We have lived here for 8 + years and this has been the most fulfilling to my wants and needs. When Parkbridge took over, there were changes made. People that live here need to think outside of the box sometimes and look at the big picture. We are blessed with all the things we have going for us here in the park. The grounds people are trying their best to live up to the past maintenance crew but have not quite accomplished it but you can see they are trying and when you talk to them, they try and help out as much as they can. Hats off to them for a difficult job to do. I highly recommend living here in Sandy Cove. You can be as busy as you want or not. There are so many different things to choose from and it is all run by volunteers. If you have a problem with living in the park and you have nothing better to do but complain, then maybe it is time you find the right place to live that will make you happy. I can almost guarantee that you will not be happy where ever you live.

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